magic trick revealed:'ve seen yet?

've Seen yet? Card counting tricks depend on the ability to count 21 cards quickly and be noticed when you sort the pile. difficult not you imagine. Hold the cards face down and push the right hand to left hand, then count in the four groups of five plus one, because more easily follow the trail of the card group numbers were small. Spans the entire pile, face down, and ask a viewer to take a card. Stack back on the right hand spread. Randomly start to put the card on the left hand, if the count has reached 21, invite viewers to return the card to the pile as the card 22. stack again and start dividing into two-pile cards on the table, one facing up, the one facing down, is vital to appoint a successful trick, namely by starting to share the cards face up first. talk to the audience, if the card is opened, ask "have seen yet"? answer, of course, "not" Take a pile of his stomach, for as before, open up, and ask've seen yet? "Answer was the same that is" not "continue to share, until the remaining piece of card that has been taken by the viewers.


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