magic trick revealed:accounting

card tricks one of the most easy to know someone, that is the first trick I've ever done, not counting lakin trick is to show how to present skills to maneuver a very frank about the imposition of a rudimentary card. imposing a card that is made of volunteers from the audience to take a certain card while he was confused, chose at random. in this case, the top card is forced. to perform an amazing trick, the top card first you need to know. () keep in mind that these tricks, where you need to know the top and bottom of the card before, in contrast to techniques glance, can only be done as the first trick of the performance tone. by holding the card pile yangmenghadap down, shake your card left at the top and invite viewers to take a number. starting from the top, for a number on his stomach on the table, by counting out loud. take just pile divided, still on his stomach, back on the pile, once again counted out loud, "just to do checking," or something else. selember take the top card from the pile without looking, show them to viewers. put back, and then do kebawahkan pile shuffle, make sure teptap card in place. count the same number of cards and hold the last, "this is the card"? of course not, Act a little disappointed, whipped (hold the desired cards close to the bottom), and count again. "What is your card?" still not, Act as if you are confused, viewers feel sorry for you. This trick is very special. shake and for once again, if the answer is "no!," wept because she felt shocked and turn away in frustration. make the big picture diamksud card you stick in your back. exposure card can also be performed, for example, put the same card on the cooking pan or under the doormat or disaku the victim (of course before the play started), then asked the audience to find that place, or before the play begins you provide an envelope containing a card, envelope glued.


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