Magic trick revealed:good vebrations

This trick may be to find the easiest card. This trick uses the basic techniques of some other trick-glance look at the bottom and use it as a key card, and requires that utterances fluently but not complicated, so this situation as a good start. shake the card and a quick view of the bottom or as to any trick that requires the lowest card face recognition, shake it invite an audience and when the card is returned to you, recognize the face of the bottom card. place the cards face down pile cards on the table and asked for an audience cut into two-pile. Invite an audience see the top card from the pile bottom, then place on top of the pile. ask a question that puts the pile on top of the pile, of course, was selected card hidden in the pile, and directly under the cards you have seen his face. take-pile and start over card table set, a sheet by sheet facing upwards. do not be too quick to share it, and note cards carefully, until after one card is a card must remember identified.remember cards identified earlier, but continue to divide the whole pile. then up to you how the pretense pretense began to absorb "vibrations" from the expanse of the card, as if it were shown the card being sought. then show the card to the audience, and taken manually from the stretch or mention his name. other vibrations of the trick is to recognize faces over the top card from the pile, so knows that the card will be divided before the selected card. means you can stop the division or stretch on the card referred to, the division should not be continued, as will you avoid the vibration to be transmitted by the pile of cards, this is only just one trick, as always I remind you, you are not a magic machine, but an entertainer .


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