magic trick revealed:separate

At this moment the bottom of the card identify the existing pile on you. Invite the respective selecting a card from the pile, to be seen but not shown to you, let it be remembered, and return it to the top of pile, while you do the same. Real difference is you do not need to remember which card you take, because there was no significant effect of the lowest note on your pile. Invite viewers to put pile face down on the table and you put your pile above pile. Two selected cards is now a separate half-pile, but the card before the card on the bottom of your pile, now becomes the top card pile viewers. It is clear that the two selected cards love each other, therefore, be side by side, although this has been forced to be separated, like romeo and Juliet, it's up to you how to create a parable. Ask the audience, whether the type of card, and say the name of your card, at a little-this pile of cards is spread love each other up, and the two cards mentioned will be nestled together in the middle.


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