magic trick revealed:an orderly pile

To perform this trick, the original stack must be arranged in advance, all the black cards followed by a red card earned viewers will not realize this. Therefore, it is best to train first as a warm-up trick. Take the original stack had done set and false shuffle, so that the pile still have the same order as before. While working, talk to viewers about the power of the power telekinetic move things without touching them physically, but only with psychic powers. Everyone has this power, but few are aware of it. Say you will try to evoke this potential in someone. Then invite a viewer to become an example. Explain, that through mental communication, volunteers can determine the color of the card divided at random from the pile Give the original pile, after the first beaten all the others, then row or to pile up face down on the table. Barrette or overlap with one finger, invite viewers to concentrate and calling card colors, black or red. For the next card at the beginning, ask the same question. If you mention the same color as the first, Lay on top and repeat the procedure to the next. If the mentioned different colors, besides the first Place. After making a pile of red cards and black, quickened and invite concerned have recognized your card for and place the stack anywhere. Make sure that you are for only 26 cards is important that this trick works. Now there are two piles, all composed of black card, then do the same trick but for a red card. After all the cards on the table is divided into four piles, two piles of all the black and red two piles all. Take the stack, and grammar, or set into one pile. Talk quickly to viewers, what if the trial is successful, the card will be divided into four different types of cards, each with a different type of card. Normally this job did not go perfectly, there are one or two colors when dividing cards Divide into four types, say that you admire the strength of this volunteer's mind because the work has proceeded smoothly as expected.


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