magic card trick revealed: Opnick's Dozen

Opnick's Dozen Trick Courtesy of: Opnick ( Original Author: Unknown You will need twelve cards, with no more than three of the same value. Arrange them into three piles of four each (make sure there are no doubles in each pile.) Each...
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magic card trick revealed: On Tap

On Tap Trick Courtesy of: Matt Sterling ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: You lay nine cards onto the table, in a three by three pattern. You ask an accomplice to leave the room, then have a spectator choose one of the cards....
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magic card trick revealed: O'Henry Trick

O'Henry Trick Trick Courtesy of: Alan Coutts ( Original Author: Unknown Preperation: Before the trick make up a packet containing 20 black cards and one red (we'll say the Queen of Hearts.) Put the red card 10th from the top....
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magic card trick revealed: Obedient Colors

Obedient Colors Trick Courtesy of: Phil Lorenzon ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: Two columns are created, a black one and a red one. Cards are drawn one at a time from the bottom of the deck and an audience member chooses whether...
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magic card trick revealed: Number's Game

Number's Game Trick Courtesy of: Oren Krinsky Original Author: Unknown Effect: Through math, you can find out two cards that a person has chosen. Preparation: Make sure all Tens, Jacks , Queens, and Kings have been removed from the deck. (Aces serve...
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magic card trick revealed: Nice and Easy

Nice and Easy Trick Courtesy of: fazboy Original Author: Unknown Shuffle deck. Let someone choose any card, memorise it and place on TOP of deck. Behind your back, flip THAT first card over and bring out the whole deck. Hold deck...
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magic card trick revealed: Mystery Ten

Mystery Ten Trick Courtesy of: Erik H. ( Original Author: anonyomous Effect: This is a whole story of Seven detectives chasing a murderer (the selected card). Procedure: 1) Take any four of the same face cards out of the deck, usually...
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magic card trick revealed: Mirror Image

Mirror Image Trick Courtesy of: Jeffrey Winterbourne ( Original Author: Unknown First of all: set up the pack by alternating red, black, red, black through the whole pack. Do this before your audience arrives. Now you are ready to start. 1....
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magic card trick revealed: Mind Reader

Mind Reader Trick Courtesy of: James Blackie ( Original Author: Unknown This card trick is very easy but it fools alot of people. 1. Shuffle the deck or get the spectator to shuffle it. 2. Take the card on top of the deck and...
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magic card trick revealed: Magic Riffle

Magic Riffle Trick Courtesy of: Original Author: Unknown Effect: Performer shuffles the deck and then riffles through it (see below.) A spectator is asked to say stop before the end of the deck is reached. The performer separates the...
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magic card trick revealed: Magical Cut

Magical Cut Trick Courtesy of: Richard Sylveste ( Original Author: Rick Artola Effect: Begin the trick by what I call riffling the deck. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, see below.) Tell the spectator to say stop. Where...
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magic card trick revealed: Lucky 13

Lucky 13 Trick Courtesy of: Original Author: Unknown Effect: The magician takes a fresh deck of cards out of the box and shuffles them to demonstrate that they are in no particular order. He deals the cards into a bunch of piles,...
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magic card trick revealed:The Lazy Magician

The Lazy Magician Trick Courtesy of: ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: The spectator is given the cards, which they may shuffle as much as they want. While the magician's back is turned, the spectator looks at the top card, and...
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magic card trick revealed:Kings Robbery

Kings Robbery Trick Courtesy of: Michael Drzakowski ( Original Author: anonyomous 3 Robbers & a Cop Variation The 3 Theives Variation Start out by telling a story of four king thieves (have the Kings separated...
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magic card trick revealed: Keith's Trick

Keith's Trick Trick Courtesy of: Keith Johnston Original Author: Unknown Prepration: Find a volunteer (One who won't mess up the trick). Teach him about the trick. Inform him not to tell anyone about your secret code (see below.) Trick: Split the...
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magic card trick revealed:Kathy's Prediction

Kathy's Prediction Trick Courtesy of: Melissa Smith ( Original Author: anonyomous Shuffle a deck of cards. Place the top card face up on the table and look at its number (Jacks, Queens, and Kings all equal 10.) Put enough...
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magic card trick revealed: The Hotel

The Hotel Trick Courtesy of: Robert Collier ( Original Author: Unknown The Motel & Royal Hotel Description: A story is acted out with the cards. 1. You must have the four Queens on the top...
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magic card trick revealed:Haphazard Cards

Haphazard Cards Trick Courtesy of: Frankus ( ) Original Author: Unknown Holding a deck of cards face down in your left hand, take a small bunch of cards with your right. Turn the cards in your right hand face up, and put them on top...
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magic card trick revealed:The Four 2's Jive

The Four 2's Jive Trick Courtesy of: Original Author: Nick Locapo Effect: Deck is shuffled, and a spectator cuts in half. Spectator chooses one cut portion and performer takes the other. Both spectator and performer hold cards behind...
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magic card trick revealed:Four in a Row

Four in a Row Trick Courtesy of: Guillaume Francoeur ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: The magician shuffle a normal deck of card, he show it to the audience, he pick the three first, lets say 6, that he put on table, then he take...
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magic card trick revealed: Four Kingdoms

Four Kingdoms Trick Courtesy of: Larry Dennis Original Author: Unknown Kings Family Variation Kings Party Variation This card trick seems magical, but it's not. To perform, separate all of...
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magic card trick revealed:Four Islands

Four Islands Trick Courtesy of: ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: There are four islands in an ocean. Each has a king, queen, a son named Jack (the Jack will be used,) and a dog named Ace (the Ace will be used.) One day, a hurricane...
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magic card trick revealed:Find The Card The Easy Way

Find The Card The Easy Way Trick Courtesy of: Larry Dennis Lucky Guess Variation 11th Card Variation Sim Sala Bim Variation In this trick 16 cards are placed...
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magic card trick revealed: ESP

ESP Trick Courtesy of: JJ Jones ( Original Author: Unknown You will need someone to act as your assistant for this. Have your assistant leave the room during the first part. Nine cards are laid out, face down, in three rows of three. (eh:...
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magic card trick revealed: easy pick

Easy Pick Trick Courtesy of: ehillsman ( Original Author: Unknown Use any full deck and its case. Allow a friend to shuffle the cards. Tell him/her to keep one of the cards, look at it, and give the rest back to you. Then you...
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magic trick revealed:Do It Yourself Discovery

Do It Yourself Discovery Trick Courtesy of: Rocky ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: The spectator discovers his own card in a mysterious manner. Card Trick: Have the spectator shuffle the cards, take half the deck and give the rest...
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magic trick revealed:Deck Predictor

Deck Predictor Trick Courtesy of: ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: After mixing the deck of cards, the performer asks a spectator to cut the deck that is in his left hand. The spectator then places the top portion of the cards...
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magic trick revealed:Abracadabra This is Your Card!

Abracadabra This is Your Card! Trick Courtesy of: Original Author: Unknown 1. Shuffle the deck. When you are done, square up the deck using a table to aid you. During this, glance quickly at the bottom card. REMEMBER this card. 2....
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magic trick revealed:Cut To It

Cut To It Trick Courtesy of: Ittay ( Original Author: Unknown Abracadabra This is Your Card !! Variation Effect: The spectator picks a card, puts it on the top of the deck, cuts the deck, and the magician finds the card. How it's...
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magic trick revealed:Count Down

Count Down Trick Courtesy of: Du Vong ( ) Original Author: Unknown Trick Description: You shuffle the deck several times and then ask a person to tell you when to STOP when they think you drop ten cards. You then count the...
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magic trick revealed:Chased

Chased Trick Courtesy of:Michelle ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: To guess someone's card by memorizing order of deck. Preperation Before the performance, set the cards in this order: 8, K, 3, 10, 2, 7, 9, 5, Q, 4, A, 6, J. Also...
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magic trick revealed:The Changing Ace

The Changing Ace Trick Courtesy of: Erich Gaul Original Author: Unknown Effect: You hold the Ace of Clubs, Diamonds, and Spades, spread out like a fan so that everyone can see them. You turn them face down, have someone tap them three times (the "magic"...
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magic trick revealed:The Bottom Card

The Bottom Card Trick Courtesy of: UNC ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: You guess the bottom card without even looking at it (or so your audience thinks.) Presentation: 1. Look at the bottom card of the deck. 2. Shuffle the cards...
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magic trick revealed:Back Flip

Back Flip Trick Courtesy of: Per Berge ( Original Author: Unknown This is a very simple trick, and works best on kids, but it can be made to look pretty impressive. EFFECT: Audience member picks a card, which the magician does not see....
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magic trick revealed:Appearing Card

Appearing Card Trick Courtesy of: Matt Original Author: Unknown Effect: A spectator picks a card out of a shuffled deck. You put it with three random cards, place the cards at the bottom of the deck, and shuffle. You take three cards from the bottom...
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magic trick revealed:All The Aces

All The Aces Trick Courtesy of: Kelvin Nishikawa ( ) Effect: The spectator cuts the deck into four piles. From each pile three random cards are dealt onto each of the other piles. The top card of each pile is turned over to reveal...
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magic trick revealed:After Drinks

After Drinks Trick Courtesy of: Per Berge ( Original Author: Unknown This is a GREAT trick. And it's REALLY EASY. It is "detectable," but you get away with it most of the time. If people have had a drink or two, this is an incredible...
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ace party

Partai ace Trik Courtesy of: Patrick Miller ( Original Author: Unknown EFEK: Dengan bantuan penonton, Anda membuat empat tumpukan kartu. Ketika hal ini dilakukan Anda membalikkan semua tumpukan dan keempat Aces ada di sana. Preperation:...
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magic trick revealed:Ace Party

Ace Party Trick Courtesy of: Patrick Miller ( Original Author: Unknown EFFECT: With the spectator's help, you make four piles of cards. When this is done you flip over all the piles and all four Aces are there. Preperation: Arrange...
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2 macam

2 dari Kind Trik Courtesy of: Mike (Mike) Original Author: Unknown Efek: Si penyihir mengambil dua kartu. Dia memiliki penonton memotong dek. Dia membalik atas kartu bahwa ia memungut, kemudian ia membalik dua kartu dari dek yang dipotong. Kartu cocok. 1....
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magic trick revealed:2 of a Kind

2 of a Kind Trick Courtesy of: Mike (Mike) Original Author: Unknown Effect: The magician picks out two cards. He has a spectator cut the deck. He flips over the cards that he picked, then he flips over two cards of the deck that was cut. The cards...
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Bottom Seb Trick

Bottom Seb Trick Trik Courtesy of: ( Original Author: Unknown Efek: Sangat mudah, trik kartu dasar. Kartu Trick: Simpan kartu-kartu dalam satu tumpukan. Pastikan untuk menemukan cara untuk memperoleh pengetahuan tentang kartu bagian...
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delapan mudah

Mudah Eights Trik Courtesy of: Ed Stowell ( Original Author: Unknown Anda akan membutuhkan seseorang untuk menjadi seorang kaki tangan dalam trik ini. Aturlah delapan kartu dalam pola simbol-simbol di wajah seorang delapan....
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Jumlah's Game

Jumlah's Game Trik Courtesy of: Oren Krinsky Original Author: Unknown Efek: Melalui matematika, Anda dapat menemukan dua kartu bahwa seseorang telah dipilih. Persiapan: Pastikan semua Puluhan, Jacks, Queens, dan Raja-raja telah dihapus dari geladak....
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Self-Mengatur Deck

Self-Mengatur Deck Trik Courtesy of: John Mefford ( Original Author: Unknown Pertama, semua kartu terpisah oleh setelan. Line up masing-masing sesuai dengan urutan ini: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K. Selanjutnya tumpukan...
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spelling bee

Spelling Bee Trik Courtesy of: Preston Edmands ( Original Author: Unknown Efek: Si penyihir mengaduk-aduk dek dan mengambil tiga belas atas kartu. Memegang kartu menghadap ke bawah, ia melanjutkan dengan mengeja nama kartu pertama,...
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magic trick revealed:Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee Trick Courtesy of: Preston Edmands ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: The magician shuffles the deck and takes the top thirteen cards. Holding the cards face down, he proceeds to spell the first card name, Ace. "A-C-E,"...
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magic trick revealed:The Self-Arranging Deck

Trick Courtesy of: John Mefford ( Original Author: Unknown First, separate all the cards by suit. Line up each suit in this order: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K. Next stack the packets on top of each other. Starting with...
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magic trick revealed:Number's Game

Number's Game Trick Courtesy of: Oren Krinsky Original Author: Unknown Effect: Through math, you can find out two cards that a person has chosen. Preparation: Make sure all Tens, Jacks , Queens, and Kings have been removed from the deck. (Aces serve...
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magic trick revealed:Easy Eights

Easy Eights Trick Courtesy of: Ed Stowell ( ) Original Author: Unknown You will need someone to be an accomplice in this trick. Arrange eight cards in the pattern of the symbols on the face of an eight. One of the eight cards...
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magic trick revealed:Seb's Bottom Trick

Seb's Bottom Trick Trick Courtesy of: ( Original Author: Unknown Effect: Very easy, basic card trick. Card Trick: Keep the cards in a single pile. Be sure to find some way to gain knowledge of the bottom card (shuffling, dropping a card,...
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Penawaran menarik buat yang berminat

penawaran menarik cd revealed trick oleh para master street magic berisi. 1.burned(angka kartu kartu pemirsa ditulis di kertas kemudian dibakar dan abunya digosokkan ditangan anda, dan akan muncul ditangan anda) stinger(gelas menembus meja) 3.sick...
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magic trick revealed:an orderly pile

To perform this trick, the original stack must be arranged in advance, all the black cards followed by a red card earned viewers will not realize this. Therefore, it is best to train first as a warm-up trick. Take the original stack had done set and...
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magic trick revealed:tumpukan yang tertata

Untuk menjalankan trik ini, tumpukan asli harus disusun terlebih dahulu-semua kartu hitam diikuti kartu merah usahakan pemirsa tidak menyadari akan hal ini. Oleh karena itu, yang terbaik adalah melatih terlebih dahulu trik ini sebagai pemanasan. Ambil...
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magic trick revealed:then you are doing

For this trick, you need to become a professional card holders, because you must use little finger to signal the card will be taken up. This opportunity is very rare, when you invite the viewer a little magic, but do not worry: you remain in full control...
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magic trick revealed: Andalah kemudian yang mengerjakan

Untuk trik ini, anda perlu menjadi pemegang kartu yang ahli,sebab anda harus meggunakan jari kelingking untuk memberi tanda pada kartu yang akan dibawa ke atas. Kesempatan ini juga sangat jarang, ketika anda mempersilahkan seorang pemirsa sedikit bermain...
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magic trick revealed: four king

This trick is meant to make four king that clearly separated back together into a pile. You should talk to the audience how the close bonds of friendship between a king card, so it is difficult to separate, Lay two cards at random among the top king...
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magic trick revealed:4 king

Trik ini dimaksudkan untuk membuat empat king yang secara jelas dipisahkan masuk kembali bersama-sama ke dalam tumpukan. Sebaiknya anda berbicara kepada pemirsa bagaimana eratnya ikatan persahabatan di antara kartu king sehingga sulit untuk dipisahkan,...
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magic trick revealed:three kinds of one type

This trick is very simple, you have to talk very interesting and clever to distract the audience for what you are doing, or not do something. Before you begin, you need to know the identity of the fifth card from the pile top. The best way that I know...
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magic trick revealed:3 macam 1 jenis

Trik ini sangat sederhana, bicara anda harus sangat menarik dan cerdik untuk mengalihkan perhatian pemirsa terhadap apa yang sedang anda kerjakan, atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Sebelum memulai, anda harus mengetahui identitas kartu kelima dari tumpukan...
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magic trick revealed:sandwich

One trick that takes viewers three volunteers, each choosing a card, compared to bread and meat as the author sandwich, sandwich. This trick requires the manipulation of very nimble pile when cut, at the right place. Beat-pile and invite viewers two...
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magic trick revealed:sandwitch

Suatu trik yang membutuhkan tiga orang sukarelawan pemirsa, masing masing memilih kartu, diumpamakan roti dan daging sebagai penyusun roti berlapis, sandwitch. Trik ini membutuhkan manipulasi tumpukkan yang sangat cekatan ketika memotong, pada tempat...
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magic trick revealed:pianos player

This trick spoke about the power of suggestion. You manipulate the viewers more than the card itself. Therefore, you should be smart, confident, and very smooth talk or brag. Select an audience who has "a piano player's hand" I picked up to you, invite...
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magic trick revealed:pianos player

trik ini berbicara tentang kekuatan sugesti. Anda lebih banyak memanipulasi pemirsa daripada kartunya sendiri. Oleh karena itu, anda harus cerdik, percaya diri, dan sangat lancar berbicara atau membual. Pilih seorang pemirsa yang memiliki “tangan pemain...
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magic trick revealed:separate

At this moment the bottom of the card identify the existing pile on you. Invite the respective selecting a card from the pile, to be seen but not shown to you, let it be remembered, and return it to the top of pile, while you do the same. Real difference...
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magic trick revealed:memisahkan

Dua kartu disisipkan ke dalam tumpukkan pada dua tempat yang sangat berbeda, akhirnya saling berdekatan. Ini disebabkan oleh kekuatan keterikatannya dan tidak ada bantuan dari pihak lain. Berikan tumpukkan kartu kepada pemirsa dan persilahkan mengocoknya...
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magic trick revealed:one type of card

It is so named because in the pile but also contain ordinary card contains one type of card (minus the picture cards) that have been ordered from as at the bottom. Spread the cards and invite one of the volunteers took a card out of the regulated group....
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magic trick revealed:satu jenis kartu

Dinamakan demikian sebab dalam tumpukkan selain berisi kartu biasa juga berisi satu jenis kartu (dikurangi kartu bergambar) yang telah diurutkan dari as di bagian terbawah. Bentangkan kartu dan persilahkan salah seorang sukarelawan mengambil selembar...
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magic trick revealed:clock never lies

This card counting trick requires the ability to calculate thirteen cards. The best way to do this is with three sets of four-four and one-sheet. Beat the pile, then calculate the thirteen pieces of card, keep the viewers do not realize what you are...
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magic trick revealed:jam tidak pernah bohong

Trik penghitungan kartu ini memerlukan kemampuan menghitung tiga belas kartu. Cara terbaik melakukannya adalah dengan tiga set empat-empat dan satu lembar. Kocok tumpukkan, kemudian hitung tiga belas lembar kartu, jaga agar pemirsa tidak menyadari...
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